Friday, February 25, 2011

Nurdin Halid Is Hosni Mubarok from PSSI

I am most bored when talking about power and politics, but this time really made me have to talk. This is about the football world on my homeland. Should I berate here? so that greed "Nurdin Insane" could yield presence of mind.

What does stay hard? just resign what difficult isn't? we've had enough and bored with his leadership. Only that which we want, no mess or damage. But what?...

He insisted like person who a mad of power and money same as Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Even in the demo still empty-headed and shameless.

I'm tired already, let alone the public tantrum and see the results.

Image source : dan


  1. Saya juga bingung.. terbuat dari apakah wajah Pak Nurdin itu? Dimana letak urat malunya

  2. Nurdin lagi Nurdin lagi ...
    Bosen dengernya ...
